Construction Technology ConFex (CTF) | Zulema Sanchis

Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel

21-22 October 2025

Zulema Sanchis

Zulema Sanchis

Senior Digital Transformation Lead, Accuracy

Zulema Sanchis leads Accuracy's digital construction initiative in the Middle East. She specializes in digital solutions, asset profitability with a strong foundation on Lean methodology and change management.

She is regularly appointed by regional and international companies to support their business transformation and collaborate with forward-focused leaders who propel their industries forward. She thrives in creating the right platform and developing the right tools to create qualitative industry opportunities always ensuring that a change management strategy sits on top of these initiatives to sustain the change.

Prior to joining Accuracy, Zulema had a track record of successful deployment of digital and Lean Thinking tools and principles in listed international companies in the construction, food, automotive and precious metal refining industries.

Zulema has a first class master in Manufacturing Operational Excellence by the University of Cranfield in the UK. She also holds an Industrial Engineer degree from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. In parallel, she is the regional president of ZERO Construct, a non-for-profit organization, where she tries to support the evolution of the construction industry towards carbon efficiency. She speaks English, Spanish and French.