Construction Technology ConFex (CTF) | Zakria Omran

Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel

21-22 October 2025

Zakria Omran

Zakria Omran

Corporate Digital Engineering Manager, El-Seif Engineering & Contracting Company

More than 27 years of extensive experience in the engineering, Digital Engineering, and construction industry supported with postgraduate professional studies and holding master. degree in the renewable energy fields allowing for successful delivery of sustainable and low energy solutions for various mega projects across the middle east and CIS regions having good track record in various type of EPC and PC projects. During the period of experience holds several senior and managerial positions including Engineering manager and MEP project manager for many large‐scale projects across the regions in the fields of high‐rise/commercial buildings, Airports, shopping malls/hospitality, Hospitals, District cooling plants, Power Plants.