Construction Technology ConFex (CTF) | Taishi Aizawa

Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel

21-22 October 2025

Taishi Aizawa

Taishi Aizawa

CEO, Aizawa Concrete Corporation

Taishi is Senior Managing Director of the Aizawa Concrete Corporation and CEO of ADAAC, the group's architectural design firm in TOKYO.

Not limited to the design field, Taishi is striving to develop the concrete industry by utilizing digital technology, especially Web 3.0 and xR. He is leading the development of SYNCWORLD™️ ENGINE, which enables DAO management of location information by applying a system developed for human digital cloning technology.

Taishi is also applying this cloning technology to the construction industry and has begun to develop a system that will continue to optimize plans in real time, far beyond the speed at which humans can process them by cloning building components.


Senior Managing Director of AIZAWA Group, a professional concrete materials company. As CEO of ADAAC, a group company design office, is exploring new spatial expression that integrates concrete and digital technology in Tokyo. Not being limited to the framework of designing, the company aims to evolve lifestyles by starting to develop the SYNCWORLD ENGINE, which manages location information with DAO.