Construction Technology ConFex (CTF) | Okan Kizilirmak

Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel

21-22 October 2025

Okan Kizilirmak

Okan Kizilirmak

Regional Director, Aksa Power Generation FZE, Dubai, UAE

After graduation from Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul / Mechanical Engineering Degree in 2003, had graduate study in Texas A&M University, USA in 2004

His professional career started in Aug. 2005 at Aksa Head Quarter, Istanbul. After several top management duties in Turkey, China and USA In 2018, he has appointed as Regional Director for a new duty based on Dubai to focus on business development and new investment opportunities in Middle East & Africa. He is responsible about all aspects of entire operations which are in the territory (sales, purchasing, hr, finance, after sales and production) including P/L and investment responsibility. Related organization covers 6 Aksa Branch Offices , many distributors and more than 85 multinational colleagues.( Branch Offices: Dubai ,South Africa, Ghana, Algeria, Sudan and Kenya) In addition to his professional career,

In 2021, was invited as board member for Energy Business Council of UAE which is built by Multinational Task Force with leadership of American Chamber of Commerce.

In 2022 , he was also elected as board member for Turkey- UAE Business Council of Foreign Economic Relation Board of Turkey which is largest private sector association under Economy Ministry of Turkey.