Construction Technology ConFex (CTF) | Mansour AlOtaibi

Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel

21-22 October 2025

Dr. Mansour AlOtaibi

Dr. Mansour AlOtaibi

Chairman of the Architectural Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)

Dr. Mansour AlOtaibi is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, and the Chairman of the Architectural Engineering Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). He received his Ph.D. and MS degrees in Civil Engineering with a concentration in ArtificialIntelligence Technologies in Construction Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana_Champiagn in 2021 and 2016 respectively. Dr. AlOtaibi has 10 years of experience in the fields of civil engineering and construction digitalization.

He is affiliated with construction and building materials research center (KFUPM) and his research focuses on analyzing and optimizing the construction processes and sustainability decisions, utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) for monitoring construction and operation in the built environment. He is the recipient of the 2022 Global Project Excellence Paper Awards.