Construction Technology ConFex (CTF) | Mamdouh Khawaji

Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel

21-22 October 2025

Mamdouh Khawaji

Mamdouh Khawaji

Group CIO, Binladin International Holding Group & Saudi Binladin Group

Mamdouh Khawaji is a seasoned Group CIO who career extends over 30 years. He worked in many industries and he spent the last year focusing on construction business in SBG.

Mamdouh started his career in Saudi Aramco where he was data designer and Database Administrator. He then joined Oracle Consulting in Toronto Canada as a performance architect. He then joined IBM Toronto Lab as a WebSphere Commerce Architect where he contributed to the development of several releases of the flagship IBM's E-Business suite.

Mamdouh returned back to Saudi Arabia after spending 9 years in Canada. He joined SEDCO as an Operation Manager and then was promoted to VP of IT and senior VP of IT.

Mamdouh has also served as a board member in Ejada from 2013 till the company was sold to Alrajihi Bank early 2022.