Construction Technology ConFex (CTF) | Amin Badra

Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel

21-22 October 2025

Amin Badra

Amin Badra

Digital Unit Head, Kabbani Group

Amin Badra is the Digital Construction Head for Kabbani Construction Group in Saudi Arabia. Ever since he was granted the BSc in Architectural Engineering from the American University in Cairo, he practiced several roles in the field of BIM implementation processes spanning between design, development and construction activities.

With an extended awareness of modern construction techniques and applications, he develops the education program for the project team and supply chain members to ensure solid digital coordination between business units’ planners supporting the adoption of BIM across IKK group of companies.

Amin’s experience is also recognized for the development of BIM protocols, identifying and documenting 3D coordination processes and coordinating with data modeling workflows.