Construction Technology ConFex (CTF) | Ahmad Salih

Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel

21-22 October 2025

Ahmad Salih

Ahmad Salih

Senior Director, Khatib & Alami

Dr Salih is Senior Director of Strategy, Knowledge Management and Operational Excellence at Khatib and Alami. He is also an adjunct faculty at Edinburgh Business School - Heriot-Watt University. His background of research includes leadership, cultural intelligence, entrepreneurship, digital transformation and Aikido in large scale business.

In his capacity as a Knowledge and Innovation Management executive, Dr Salih has been leading the selection and implementation of suitable digital platforms, as a strategic choice, to manage knowledge creation, sharing and curation company-wide. This is accomplished through the development of communities of practice for ongoing services such as Building Information Management (BIM) and digital document management systems.

As a cultural transformation architect, Dr Salih has led many transformation programs company-wide to achieve direct results in efficiency and profitability, where he has been employing theory and practice to reach the best outcomes.

Dr Salih’s strategic leadership competencies and skills enabled him to multiple organizational transformations including digital business transformation, especially at the times that require agility and adaptability, to ensure business continuity.

On the academic dimension, Dr Salih is a course leader and designer of leadership and digital business strategy, author, coach and teacher of leadership, Aikido, entrepreneurship and lately digital transformation. His latest book published with Routledge marks a new milestone in the leadership domai